Horsham, West Sussex

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Information website for Horsham in West Sussex

Horsham, West Sussex

Information website for Horsham in West Sussex

Good health

Welcome to the Good Health section - in this section of the website, you'll see details for Allergies, Anti-Ageing, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatism, Asthma, Cancer, Childrens Health, Colds and Flu, Cycling, Detoxing, Diabetes, Dieting, Energy, Exercise, Fitness, Hangover Cures, Healthy Diets, Heart Attacks, Juicing, Looking Your Best, Mens Health, Multiple Sclerosis, Nutrients From Food, Reflexology, Smoking, Superfoods, Tiredness and Fatigue and Womens Health, if you would like to jump to a particular section on good health quicker, just click on one of the relevant links further below:

Firstly, 5 Tests That Could Save Your Life - spending more on medical care is the last thing anyone wants to do. But it can pay off. A new generation of tests can pinpoint unusual markers of heart disease, tiny tumours, or signs of liver disease well in advance of trouble. These screens aren't needed by everyone, so they may not be available on the NHS or covered by private health plans. But if you have a high-risk health history, shelling out for one of these tests could save your life.

Good health - 5 tests that could save your life

What? Who could benefit? Why? What's involved? Test positive, now what? How much does it cost?
Heart Disease

Blood panel
Anyone with a family history of early heart disease. Cardiovascular disease remains Britain's No 1 killer, and even patients with normal cholesterol levels have heart attacks. Blood is checked for elevated levels of C-reactive protein, homocysteine and Lp(a) lipoprotein - all are associated with a higher risk. Can also reveal small, dense LDL ("bad" cholesterol), another risk factor. Your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes - exercise, healthy diet - to lower LDL, or may prescribe statins; certain B vitamins can also reduce risk factors. £115-£210. Not routinely offered on the NHS. Ask your GP for a referral to a private hospital or laboratory in your area.

Abdominal ultrasound
This deadly weakening of an artery wall is most common in men over 65, smokers over 60 with high blood pressure and anyone over 55 with a family history of aneurysms. Aortic aneurysms develop undetected over many years and 85-90% of ruptures are fatal. Repair prevents fatal ruptures in 95% of cases. A quick, non-invasive ultrasound scan looks for deadly bulges in the artery wall that could burst, causing severe internal bleeding and possible death. The abdomen is the most common site for the scan. The ultrasound can reveal if the aneurysm is big enough to require surgery to repair it. Smaller bulges are monitored with repeat ultrasounds. Ask your GP to arrange a scan. Population screening for men over 65 is on the cards. £200 upwards for a private scan.

Blood panel
Anyone who has had a blood transfusion before 1991, used intravenous drugs, had unprotected sex with multiple partners, drinks heavily; or has a family history of liver disease. 4,000 Britons die annually from liver disease, yet it is often symptomless. Up to 450,000 people with hepatitis C do not know they have it. Early diagnosis and treatment prevents premature death or liver transplant. Your blood is checked for antibodies to the most important hepatitis viruses (B and C); liver enzyme levels are assessed for inflammation; blood protein measurements reveal liver (sometimes kidney) failure. Interferon and other drugs can treat viral hepatitis. May need treatment for liver disease. You may be advised to reduce alcohol intake Ask your GP for a test if you are at risk.
£90-£120 privately.
Lung Cancer

Spiral multi-slice,
(CT) scan
If you smoke heavily - or have ever done so - consider getting tested. People who've been exposed to asbestos and those regularly around second-hand smoke should also talk to their doctor about having this scan. With some 24 million current and former smokers in the UK, lung cancer is the UK's biggest cancer killer, responsible for more than 33,000 deaths each year. It's rarely diagnosed early enough, so only 5-6% of patients survive more than 5 years from diagnosis!! The patient lies on a table, which passes through the scanner. A scanner uses the images to create a 3-d model of the lungs and can detect smaller cancerous tumors less than 1cm in size) than standard x-rays can. Follow-up tests to determine what cancer treatment is needed. CT scans are still being studied to ensure that identifying the cancer early leads to better long-term survival rates. £100-£300
Ovarian Cancer

CA-125 blood test,
pelvic examination
Women with first degree relatives diagnosed with ovarian cancer, colon cancer or breast cancer under 40, or in both breasts, or with a male relative with breast cancer. The disease will usually show only subtle, often-missed signs (such as bloating, weight gain, back pain, fatigue) before it progresses to a stage that's often fatal. When detected early, the 5-year survival rate is 95 per cent. Transvaginal ultrasound scans for cancerous masses on or near the ovaries. The blood test checks levels of CA-125, a tumour marker elevated in nearly 90 per cent of women with early ovarian cancer. Pelvic examination. The specialist will recheck CA-125 levels, then advise surgery to remove the tumour - a much less extensive procedure than treatment at later stages, when cancer has spread. £200-£300 for ultrasound. £50-£60 for blood test. Health insurance may cover if at high risk.

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Your Heart Health Checklist :

Watch your weight - carrying extra weight increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes, particularly if it's around your middle. Losing weight may not be easy, but it is definitely possible. With a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise, one or two pounds should disappear each week, and stay off.

Give up smoking - toxins in cigarette smoke fur-up the arteries making heart attacks more likely, so don't smoke! Avoid passiveGood health - Smoking smoking too, as this increases the risk of heart disease in non-smokers by around a third. After fifteen years of being an ex-smoker, the risk of a heart attack is back to the same as for someone who has never smoked, so it's never too late to stop.

Get the balance of alcohol right - one or two units of alcohol a day may help to keep the heart healthy by making blood clots less likely and increasing good cholesterol levels. These benefits are believed to be after the menopause for women and from around the age of forty for men.

Up your omega 3 levels - omega 3 essential fatty acids from oily fish (at least one portion a week) or a supplement help regulate heart rhythm, prevent blood from clotting, and lower triglyceride fat levels. Being anti-inflammatory, omega 3s also make fatty plaques less likely to rupture and cause heart attacks.

Keep active - inactivity directly increases the risk of heart disease. Keep active doing whatever feels comfortable and is enjoyable. Brisk walking, cycling, swimming and dancing are good ones to try. Aim for thirty minutes of moderately intensive activity at least five days a week.

Enjoy the benefits of garlic - allicin in garlic helps relax blood vessels allowing better blood flow. Garlic may also help lower cholesterol, make blood clots less likely and lower blood pressure, all of which helps keep the heart healthy. Added to cooking as a healthy seasoning or taken each day as a supplement, garlic is the one to go for.

Enjoy some healthy food - a low-fat, low-salt diet that's rich in fruit, vegetables and fibre will help keep the heart in tip top condition by helping keep cholesterol and blood pressure at healthy levels. For dietary insurance, consider a multivitamin and mineral supplement.

Have a check-up - high blood pressure or high cholesterol on their own don't cause heart problems, but can be silently damaging the heart and circulation. That's why it's so important to have these checked, because if they are too high they can be brought under control with a healthy lifestyle and sometimes medication.

Tea-time - green tea may help to lower cholesterol levels, particularly those of damaging bad cholesterol, and may increase good cholesterol levels. Antioxidants in green tea may also help to prevent furring of the arteries.

Enjoy time-out - stress may directly contribute to heart disease and also indirectly contribute by increasing blood pressure and fuelling unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as comfort eating and too much alcohol. Try taking at least 10 minutes every few hours to relax, and at least 1 hour each week doing something you really enjoy.

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Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatism


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Childrens Health

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Hair Problems

Hangover Cures

Hay Fever


Healthy Diets

Heart Attacks



Mens Health


Multiple Sclerosis

Nutrients in food


Skin Problems

Sleeping problems




Tiredness and Fatigue

Womens Health

As always, consult your doctor with respect to your own symptoms and conditions.