How to have a healthy diet? - when eating healthily, it's important to stay as close to nature as possible, i.e., away from tinned and processed foods, plus eat more fish, fruit and vegetables, but, always bear in mind to keep the acid/alkali balance right in your body though, too much acid in your body can very easily lead to problems with bones and joints, like rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis etc, so when eating fruit and vegetables, it's important to remember, that generally, fruits give you the acids and vegetables give you the alkali - generally, if it grows on trees, it gives acids, if it comes up through the ground, it gives you alkali in your body. So try to consume slightly more alkali than acids. As the famous Doug Ralph, life-long student of nutrition once said, "eat fruits and live a long healthy life, but eat vegetables and live a longer, healthier life !"
Something else to watch out for are the 'hidden fats' in food and drink, always have a look at the labels on them, and if it's less than 5g of fat per 100g, it's low in fat, but if it's over 15g of fat per 100g, it's high in fat, so leave that one to others who may not be so well up on these things!
The following is a summary of the diet that is basic to good health and long life - Food for lasting good health.
* Fresh, organically produced wholefoods that are high in fibre, with as much variety as possible.
* Unrefined cereals, such as brown rice, millet, barley, wholemeal bread and
pasta; also uncooked as a muesli base.
* Fresh vegetables, raw in salads or just lightly steamed; eat every day. Keep the water for soups and sauces.
* Raw, mixed salads: eat every day.
* Fresh fruit in season, at least two pieces daily, including the skins if suitable. Dried fruits.
* Plant proteins from beans (including tofu and tempeh), peas and lentils, nuts and seeds.
* Fish, especially deep-sea, at least twice a week.
* Free-range eggs and occasional poultry and game; low fat live natural yoghurt.
* Olive oil for quick stir-frying; cold-pressed plant oils for salad dressings.
Margarine with non-hydrogenated oils.
* Herb teas; fresh fruit and vegetable juices; soya milk.
* Plenty of filtered or spring water, preferably not with meals.
* Herbs, spices and sea seasonings.
* Yeast extract, tahini, nut butters, black molasses.
* Intensively and chemically farmed foods.
* Refined, processed, packaged, tinned, irradiated and all convenience and junk
foods; old, mouldy, reheated or burnt foods.
* Smoked or pickled foods.
* Preservatives, colourings, artificial sweeteners and other additives.
* Saturated fats from red meat and dairy produce (i.e. full-fat milk, butter and
cheese); hydrogenated fats.
* Sugar (honey, grain syrups and malt extract are better alternatives),
including confectionery, sweet biscuits, cakes, puddings and jams.
* Salt (except substitutes such as Losalt).
* Tea and coffee; all soft drinks and alcohol.
Healthy cooking tips - soggy, overboiled cabbage not only tastes unpleasant, it has probably lost most of its vitamins during cooking, yet this is the way most vegetables are served, not just in many homes but especially in schools and other institutions including hospitals. Vitamins are best preserved by light steaming only, after which the water should be kept for sauces, soups and gravies. So remember to put that steamer on your shopping list. For maximum benefit from nutrients, eat vegetables newly picked and raw. If you can afford it, invest in a juicer - if you're interested in your good health, it will be the best investment you've ever made!. It's crucial to get the right juicer, so if you would like to know which juicer to choose, just look on the link further below!
Burnt food does you harm, yet it is surprising how few people realize this. They continue to invite friends to barbecues, offering them blackened sausages and beef burgers, as if they were highly sought-after delicacies. Yet the free radicals that form during the burning process - can be extremely injurious, attacking cells-and the DNA contained within them, causing faulty functioning, degeneration and even cancer. A fine gift for your friends! Never eat burnt food, including overdone toast and smoked fish. Disregard recipes that tell you to brown onions; simply cook them until they go soft and transparent.
Deep-fat frying is not recommended if you value your heart. Shallow, quick stir-frying is a good way of keeping vitamins in the food though. Do not use polyunsaturated oils or margarine for this, which again will create free radicals (even if not burnt). Always choose olive oil, which is predominantly monounsaturated, or alternatively a little ghee (clarified butter). You can make this yourself by heating butter until it bubbles and then scooping off the impurities in the form of the foam.
Beans are full of goodness, but they must be properly cooked because certain toxins are naturally present in their raw state which can induce flatulence or even, in the case of red kidney beans - diarrhoea and sickness. Raw broad beans may be tempting, especially if tender, but they can be a source of free radical damage if eaten uncooked. On the other hand, freshly picked, French and runner beans are quite safe in salads. To guarantee destruction of toxins, after soaking in filtered water, boil the beans rapidly for about ten minutes, discard the water and boil again until tender.
Eating your nutrients - the value of chewing food well without hurry and in relaxing surroundings cannot be overemphasized. Fully chewing your food gives your body a better chance of
absorbing the nutrients.
It is advisable not to swill your meals down with liquid, because they will rush
through you too quickly and once again nutrients will not be so readily
assimilated. Just a few sips are sufficient. Have a drink such as a fruit juice
half an hour before eating and wait at least another 30 minutes after the meal
before making a beverage. This way your food will not be drowned.
Always start your meal with something raw. Many plant juices contain bitter
factors and essential oils that enhance the activity of digestive enzymes and
encourage more complete absorption of nutrients. Don't worry if you have no time
to make a salad. Munching a raw carrot is just as good.
Switching to a wholefood diet may cause flatulence at first, but your system
will soon become adjusted to the extra roughage. Chew a few caraway seeds before
eating to prevent it.
Health-giving recipes - Included here, are suggestions for recipes that may be difficult to find in standard cookery books, simply because they follow the principles outlined in the good health sections of this website.
Beverages and herbal remedies - Although many herb teas are now commercially available, quality varies considerably from brand to brand, so it is always worth making your own both for
excellence of flavour as well as healing power. A wide variety of herbs can be
bought by mail order from certian suppliers (email us from the feedback page if
you would like to know the recommended suppliers).
Pregnant women need to be cautious about drinking too much of any one tea and
should especially avoid sage and feverfew. Gentle teas such as camomile, peppermint and lime blossom are quite
safe in moderation.
Infusions - To make an infusion, simply pour hot water (just off the boil) on to the leaves
or flowers of. the herb, cover and leave to stand for at least three minutes.
Use approximately 1 teaspoon of herb to V2 pint (275m1) of boiling filtered
Teas such as blackberry leaf, sage, peppermint and nettle mentioned on this page
can all be made in this way either from the dried or freshly picked leaves.
Camomile, lime blossom and marigold are made from an infusion of the flowers.
Berries such as blackcurrants and juniper can be similarly infused after first
crushing them. A little honey can be added to taste.
To make seed teas, for example celery seed or dill, crush 1 teaspoon of seed and
add 1/2 to 1 pint (275 to 570ml) of boiling filtered-water, depending on
strength. Allow to stand for five minutes before drinking.
Decoctions - A decoction is made with the roots of the plant, cut or bruised, and then simmered in filtered water for 10 to 15 minutes.
Rosehip Tea - Rosehips are very rich in vitamin C. The tea is therefore useful for
the alleviation of mild infections.
2 tbsp freshly gathered rosehips
1 pint (570m1) filtered water
1 tsp honey
Chop the hips then place them in the water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10
minutes. Strain and sweeten with the honey.
Makes 2 to 3 cups
Chicory Tea - The chicory plant contains a bitter principle as well as vitamins
A and B3 (niacin) and the minerals potassium, calcium and iron. One cup of the
tea daily is traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of gallstones.
It is also recommended by herbalists for liver complaints, rheumatism and gout.
If desired, sweeten with a little honey.
From the root
2 tsp shredded chicory root
1/2 pint (275ml) filtered water
Boil for 3 minutes, cover and allow to stand for at least 5 minutes before drinking.
From the leaf
1 to 2 tsp dried chicory. leaves
1/2 pint (275m1) filtered water
Bring to the boil and allow to infuse for 10 minutes.
Makes 1 mug
Dandelion Coffee - This can be purchased ready prepared, but it is not difficult
to make your own and dandelions are a superb source of vitamin A.
Dig up mature roots in the autumn. Wash them and then put in a medium oven for 2
to 3 hours until well roasted. Chop the roots into small pieces or grind them up
and make the coffee by decoction (see above).
Chicory coffee can be similarly prepared.
Lettuce Tea - Consuming lettuce helps you to sleep and has also been know to ease
head-aches as well. It certainly has sedative properties and is recommended for insomnia.
1 large lettuce
I pint (570ml) boiling filtered water
1 tsp poppy seeds
3 tsp camomile flowers (or 2 camomile tea bags) Pluck the lettuce leaves into
small pieces and put into a pan with the: boiling water and the other ingredients. Simmer for 20 minutes.
Cut the stem in several places and put into the pan without losing any milky
latex.. Simmer for a further 5 minutes. Strain.
Drink while tea is warm, shortly before going to bed.
Makes 2 to 3 cups
Ginger Brew - Ginger is a natural anticoagulant and therefore excellent for
heart-disease patients. Also useful for the prevention of colds, flu and
cystitis. Instead of the following recipe, a simple decoction can be made by
simmering 1 inch (2.5cm) of cut . ginger root and a pinch of cinnamon in 1/2
pint (275ml) of filtered water for 10 minutes. Sipping this tea can prevent
travel sickness.
2 tsp grated fresh ginger root
1 pint (570m1) filtered hot water
1 tsp honey
1 tsp vitamin C powder
slice of lemon
Pour the hot water on to the other ingredients and steep for 3 minutes. Sip while hot.
Makes 2 mugs
Rice Water - This is a soothing remedy for digestive troubles or infections of the
urinary tract. Small amounts can be safely given to children.
1 tbsp organic brown rice
1 pint (570ml) filtered water
Boil up the rice in the water, cover and simmer for about 1/2 hour. Strain off
the water, and allow to cool before sipping.
Makes 2 cups
Lemon Barley Water - A traditional remedy for catarrh and a calming antidote to
2 oz (60g) pearl barley
1 pint (570ml) filtered water
juice of 1/2 a lemon
2 tsp honey
Put the barley and water into a pan, bring to the boil, then simmer for 1/2
hour. Strain and reserve the barley for further use. Stir in the lemon juice and
honey and sip while hot.
Makes 2 to 3 cups
Herbal Gargle - Very good for sore throats
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sage
1 tbsp cider vinegar
1/2 pint (275ml) filtered hot water
few drops of dove oil (optional)
Steep the ingredients in the hot water for 5 minutes. Strain before using as a
Fortified Soya Drink - Highly nutritious and easily assimilated when digestion is
poor. Extra vitamins and minerals can be added as required.
4 oz (125g) firm tofu
1 pint (570ml) soya milk
1 orange (or 1 banana or 2 slices pineapple, cubed)
2 tbsp wheatgerm
1 dsp (dessertspoon) cold-pressed safflower or sunflower oil 2 tsp kelp
2 tbsp live low-fat yoghurt
2 crushed Dolomite tablets
15mg zinc tablet, crushed
I tsp vitamin C powder
Blend all the ingredients together in a liquidizer and consume as required. Can
be stored for up to two days in the refrigerator.
Makes 3 or 4 mugs
Sports Drink - This drink will help to replace fluid and minerals sweated out during exercise and will thus prevent
dehydration, cramps and sore muscles. It can be sipped
during training or taken afterwards. Flavours can be varied.
2 pints (1 litre)
filtered water
4 peppermint tea bags or equivalent fresh leaves
1 tsp Biosalt or
1 tbsp honey
2 crushed Dolomite tablets
1 tsp kelp
Bring the water to the boil and pour on to the peppermint leaves or tea bags.
Allow to infuse for 3 minutes. Strain and stir in the Biosalt and honey,
Dolomite and kelp.
Can be drunk warm or cold and taken to training sessions in a Thermos flask.
Shake well.
Makes 4 mugs.
Breakfast -
This is a most important meal, especially for people with irregular blood sugar,
so don't skip breakfast!!!! If you start the day by eating well, you will have lots of
energy throughout the morning. Food taken early will be efficiently utilized by
the body as fuel for energetic activity and is not likely to be stored as fat.
The classic fried 'English' breakfast of bacon, eggs and sausages is, sadly, not at all
healthy and is likely to put a strain on the digestive system and damage the
arteries in the long term. Try to avoid any type of fried breakfasts. . Included in this section are some healthier low-fat
breakfast alternatives.
Muesli - It's dead easy to make home made muesli. Plus, you can reinvent the combination of ingredients each time, keeping large air-tight containers of them, ready for
when you want eat any particular combination. Here is one variation, but any grain
flakes can be incorporated along with different nuts and seeds. It is packed with nutrients,
especially B and E vitamins, and is a sound source of dietary fibre, which will
keep the bowels in good working order.
1 lb; (500g) oat flakes
3 oz (90g) millet flakes
3 oz (90g) barley flakes
3 oz (90g) rice flakes
2 oz (60g) sultanas
2 oz (60g)
4 oz (125g) dried apricots, chopped
2 oz (60g) dried dates, chopped
2 oz (60g)
dried figs, chopped
2 oz (60g) flaked almonds
2 oz (60g) cashew nuts
2 oz (60g)
sunflower seeds
1 oz (30g) pumpkin seeds
Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and store in an
airtight jar.
Each serving:
soya milk or nut milk as required
fresh apple with skin, sliced
banana, sliced
I dsp wheatgerm
1 tbsp low-fat bio-yoghurt
You may like to soak each serving in the milk overnight, although this is not
essential unless jumbo oats are used. Add the fresh fruit, wheatgerm and
Makes almost 3lb (1.38kg)
Millet Porridge - This makes a change from oats and has a creamy texture. There is
plenty of carbohydrates here for energy, as well as some useful protein, plus
vitamin B3, calcium and potassium.
4 oz (125g) millet flakes
l2 pint (275m1) apple juice
1 pint (570ml) filtered water
2 tbsp sultanas
pinch of cinnamon
Put the millet flakes, apple juice and water into a large pan and cook gently while stirring until the porridge thickens (10 to 15
minutes). Add the sultanas and cinnamon.
Serve hot with Soya Cream.
Serves 4 to 6
Spiced Compote - Really delicious. Hunza apricots are the staple food of the
longest-living people on earth. They are a fine source of vitamin A which is
protective against cancer.
8 oz (250g) mixed dried fruit (e.g. Hunza apricots, prunes, apple rings)
I pint (570m1) filtered water
1 tsp mixed spice
1 oz (30g) lightly toasted flaked almonds
Soak the fruit overnight in the water. Add the spice and bring to the boil in a
medium pan, then simmer gently for 10 minutes or so until soft.
Serve with the almonds and some Soya Cream for extra protein.
Serves 4
Scrambled Tofu - This is a low-fat alternative to scrambled eggs and ideal for
anyone concerned about their cholesterol levels. It only takes a few minutes to
I tbsp soya milk -
4 oz (125g) firm tofu, crumbled
2 fresh basil leaves, chopped
dash of soya sauce
1 large slice of wholemeal bread
Warm the soya milk over a gentle heat in a small pan. Add the tofu, basil and
soya sauce and stir until well heated. Meanwhile toast the bread lightly. Pile
the tofu on the toast.
Serves 1
Tempeh Tomatoes - Another low-fat, high-protein food, this is made from cultured soya beans and is bought in a block. Simply cut
off the required pieces. Tempeh contains both iron and calcium, especially
valuable for vegans, plus several B vitamins.
2 or 3 slices of tempeh
dash of soya sauce
knob of ghee
2 tomatoes, quartered
1 large slice of wholemeal bread
Flavour the tempeh with the soya sauce on both sides. Place the ghee in a medium
frying pan and heat gently until melted. Add the tempeh slices and tomatoes and
shallow-fry. Turn the tempeh once so that it becomes just golden on both sides.
Toast the bread lightly. Pile the tempeh and tomatoes on.
Serves 1
Nut Sausages - These provide good protein, without the hazardous fat and
preservatives of meat sausages. Additionally, they are rich in nutrients and
dietary fibre. Make the mixture in advance to cut down on preparation in the
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 oz (30g) ghee
2 tsp mixed herbs
1/4 pint (150ml) vegetable stock 1 Up low-salt yeast extract
5 oz (150g) ground hazelnuts 3 oz (90g) ground almonds
4 oz (125g) wholemeal breadcrumbs 3 oz (90g) oat flakes
Saute the chopped onion in the ghee until transparent. Add the herbs. Put the
stock in a small pan and heat through, dissolving the yeast extract in it.
Combine all the ingredients together, apart from the oat flakes, to make a firm mixture. Divide into portions and roll up to form sausage shapes. Roll
these in the oats.
In the morning, fry the sausages in a little olive oil for a few minutes, turning
as necessary, until crisp and golden.
Makes 6 to 8 sausages
Snacks - An excellent way of stopping the hunger pangs is to have a handful of almonds mixed with equal amounts of pumpkin seeds and sultanas. Together these contain folic add, pantothenic acid and several minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus - excellent for the bones as well as supplying the basic ingredients for the 'electrolyte soup' of the brain.
Hazelnut Butter - Nut butters can be easily made and they will keep in the fridge
for up to one week. They are delicious on oatcakes or ricecakes and there is no
need to include salt or sugar.
4 oz (125g) hazelnuts, lightly toasted
4 oz (125g) sunflower seeds
1/4 pint
(150m1) filtered water
1 clove garlic
Grind the nuts and seeds together, then put them in the blender with the water
and garlic. l iquidize to form a paste. Store in a jar in the fridge.
Makes 1 jar
Tahinl Spread - Tahini is made from ground sesame seeds and contains many
nutrients in addition to protein, including vitamins A and B,, calcium,
potassium, phosphorus and some iron. Traditionally a Japanese spread, miso is a
product of fermented soya, beans and grains. It is best to buy the 'live' sort
which, like yoghurt, has beneficial bacteria. This spread has a slightly cheesy
3 tbsp dark tahini
1 tbsp miso
I tsp lemon juice
Simply mix the ingredients together and spread on bread or oatcakes.
Makes about 8 portions
Seedy Oatcakes - These oatcakes-cum-scones with added seeds and fruit provide a
sustaining wheat-free, sugar-free snack offering a wide variety of nutrients.
2 oz (60g) oat flakes
4 oz (125g) medium oatmeal
6 oz (180g) brown rice flour
3 oz (90g) currants
2 oz (60g) desiccated coconut
1 oz (30g) sesame seeds
2 oz (60g) sunflower seeds
4 tbsp sunflower oil
1/2 pint (275m1) apple juice
Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl, then stir in the oil gradually. Add
the apple juice and mix well to form a firm dough. Sprinkle a little flour on to
a flat surface, then roll out the dough until it it is about 1/2 inch (1.25cm)
thick. Cut into rounds.
Heat the oven to 350°F/180°C (gas mark 4) and bake the oatcakes on a greased
baking sheet for about 20 minutes.
Makes 12 to 14
Soups - soups that are liquidized in the blender are especially useful if for any reason digestion is impaired, as they can so easily be assimilated. They are also ideal during and after illness, when the patient is unable to take much solid food, or in the recovery from anorexia when the stomach has to adjust once more to regular meals. The variety is endless, according to the mixture of ingredients, and the nutritional content invariably rich. Most are easily prepared, especially those made from vegetables, pulses and cereals. Soups provide a special opportunity to incorporate sea vegetables into the meal, which are extremely healthy for you.
Miso and Onion Soup - according to Japanese legend, miso was sent to humanity by
the gods to give them good health, happiness and long life. Unfortunately,
traditional methods of malting it have been largely superseded by commercial
production using sugar and preservatives, with a speeded-up ageing process. Do
not buy these. Look for the organic sort that has been aged from between one to two years.
Since miso contains a certain amount of sea salt, too much may not be good for
people suffering from hypertension. However, the fermentation process enhances
the salty flavour, so by using it in cooking instead of salt you will be putting
in less sodium overall. In this recipe, the sodium is well balanced by the
potassium from the onions and seaweed, which also contains calcium, magnesium and iron.
In 1981 the Japanese National Cancer Centre published results of a nationwide
survey, which concluded that people who ate miso soup every day had lower rates
of cancer and heart disease and other degenerative disorders than those who did not.
3-inch (7.5-cm) piece wakame seaweed
1 large onion, sliced thinly
2 tsp grated
root ginger
2 pints (1 litre) filtered water
1 and a half, tbsp miso
To garnish:
3 tbsp chopped spring onions or watercress
Rinse the wakame and slice into six pieces. Put these into a large pan together
with the onion and ginger, add the water and bring to the boil. Turn the heat
down and simmer for about 15 minutes until tender. Remove from the stove.
Dissolve the miso in a little of the broth, then stir this in to the soup. (Do not boil the miso or the healthy bacteria will be
Serve not too hot, garnished with the spring onions or watercress.
Serves 4 to 6
Lentil Soup - Lentils are a wonderful food. Not only are they extremely cheap,
they contain good-quality plant protein and many nutrients including iron, while
providing dietary fibre. They are very low in fat and therefore a useful ingredient
for heart disease patients. As a complex carbohydrate, lentils will keep blood sugar steady and, according to Dr Mills of Loma Linda University School of Medicine in the US, they are protective against
cancer of the pancreas, as are other legumes.
1 onion, chopped
2 pints (1 litre), vegetable stock
8 oz (250g) lentils
2 large carrots, scrubbed and chopped
1 potato, scrubbed and chopped
1 clove
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp thyme
1 dsp low-salt yeast extract
juice of half a lemon
To garnish:
nori flakes
Put all the ingredients except the lemon in a large pan and bring to the boil.
Lower the heat and simmer gently for about 25 minutes until done, stirring
occasionally, topping up the water if necessary. Take off the stove and add the
lemon juice.
Liquidize in the blender and serve hot, with the nori flakes sprinkled on top.
Serves 4 to 6
Pumpkin Soup - Like carrots, pumpkin contains beta-carotene, an important
antioxidant, which is protective against cancer and keeps at bay some of the effects of ageing.
1 small pumpkin
2 pints (1 litre) filtered water
1 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp Biosalt (optional)
1 leek
To garnish:
chopped chives
Remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin, then chop the flesh. Put it into a
large pan with the water, ginger and Biosalt and bring to the boil. Simmer for
about 25 minutes. Meanwhile, wash and chop the leek, then add this to the pan.
Simmer for a further 15 minutes, adjusting the water if necessary, until the vegetables are tender.
Liquidise in the blender and serve hot with the chives sprinkled on top.
Serves 4 to 6
Vegetable and fruit juices - the very best way to take vitamins and minerals is from freshly extracted vegetable and fruit juices. It is well worth investing in a good electric
juicer, because the health benefits are considerable. Raw plants contain other
vital ingredients such as essential oils and bitters, hormones and enzymes, many
of which are destroyed or altered with cooking. It is thought that these factors
influence health by, for example, improving digestive function and boosting
immunity. Indeed, much has still to be discovered by scientists, but there is no
question that they are wonderfully good for you. Since they are highly
concentrated, you will need to drink only one small glass at once.
You will have fun inventing different mixtures. Here are some ideas :
Carrot and Spinach - Extremely rich in the antioxidant vitamins A (as
beta-carotene) and C, therefore offering protection against cancer and ageing. Carotenoids are also important for the health of the eyes, scientific studies have now proved that people over
40 years who had high carotenoid levels in their blood were less than one 'fifth as likely to develop cataracts as those with low levels. The folic acid present is important for pregnant women.
2lb (1kg) carrots, scrubbed
l dsp lemon juice
12 oz (375g) spinach, washed
1 bunch of watercress
Chop the carrots into chunks and feed through the extractor. Add the lemon
juice. Then feed in the spinach and watercress along with a little water. Blend
together and drink immediately.
Makes about I pint (570m1)
Beetroot and Cucumber - Beetroot is good for the blood and is also a useful
cleanser. The leaves have hormonal properties, in addition to many minerals,
that improve fertility and assist women through menstruation and the menopause,
so juice these also. The cucumber will help to rid the system of uric acid and
is thus of advantage to those with gout or rheumatism. Its high sulphur content
promotes hair growth.
2 lb (1kg) beetroot with tops, scrubbed
2 medium cucumbers, washed
4 sprigs of
Chop the vegetables into conveniently sized pieces and feed through the extractor. Blend for a few seconds with the mint and drink straight away.
Makes about 112 pints (845m1)
Cabbage and Grape - Cabbage juice is known to be very protective against stomach ulcers.
1 lb (500g) young cabbage, washed
11/2 lb (750g) grapes
Roughly chop the cabbage leaves and feed through the extractor together with a
little filtered water. Juice the grapes and blend together.
Makes about one and a quarter pints (720m1)
Salads and dressings - A salad a day will surely keep the doctor away. Include raw organic root and leaf vegetables for a wide variety of unadulterated nutrients. Delicious served with one of the pates or dips described below.
Vitamin C Salad - Marvellous for keeping infections at bay and for its anti-ageing
and cancer-fighting properties.
1 small crisp lettuce
1/2 bunch of watercress
2 large oranges
1/2 green pepper, sliced
1/2 red pepper, sliced
2 tomatoes, sliced
8 oz (250g) broccoli florets
1 small onion, thinly sliced
Wash the lettuce and watercress, shake dry and arrange the leaves in a bowl.
Peel the oranges and place the segments with the other ingredients on the
leaves. Add French Dressing to taste.
Serves 4
Walnut Coleslaw - Walnuts are good for the heart
12 oz (375g) red cabbage,
4 medium carrots, grated
I small turnip, grated
4 oz (125g) walnuts
1 tsp caraway seeds
1/2 pint (275m1) Tofu Mayonnaise.
Toss the vegetables, nuts and
seeds in the mayonnaise.
Serves 4
Avocado and Pistachio - Avocados, if eaten regularly, reduces blood cholesterol.. In a
six-week trial involving
two groups of women, levels fell by 8.2 per cent in those who were on a
high-avocado diet. This salad is a well-balanced meal in itself, containing
protein as well as essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
2 heads of chicory
8 young dandelion leaves
2 avocados, peeled and sliced
2 pawpaw, peeled and sliced
4 oz (125g) pistachio
1/4 pint (150m1) French Dressing
1/2 tsp grated root ginger
3 oz (90g) black olives
Wash the chicory and dandelion leaves and arrange in a bowl with the fruit
slices. Toss the nuts in the French Dressing along with the ginger. Garnish with
the olives.
Serves 4
Sprout Salad - It is very easy to sprout beans and seeds in a large glass jar on
the windowsill, providing fresh, organically grown, tasty ingredients for salads
at a cheap price. They are also packed with nutrients which, due to enzyme
activity, increase at an astonishing rate with germination. Just sprinkle some
seeds or beans in the bottom of the jar, cover the top with a piece of muslin
then secure with a rubber band. Cover with filtered water and leave to soak
overnight, drain off, then rinse three times a day. They will soon be ready to
eat. Start with alfalfa, which is almost guaranteed to succeed.
4 oz (125g) alfalfa sprouts
4 oz (125g) fenugreek sprouts 1 box of cress
6 tbsp Yoghurt Dressing (see below)
Mix together the sprouts and cress, then toss them in the dressing.
Serves 3 to 4
Tofu Mayonnaise - Increases protein content of salads
12 oz (375g) silken tofu
2 tbsp cold-pressed sunflower oil 2 tbsp cider vinegar
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tsp mustard
Put all the ingredients into the liquidizer goblet and blend until smooth.
Makes about 2l, pint (380ml)
French Dressing - Since plant oils are one of the best sources of vitamin E, salad
dressings are a useful way to obtain this important antioxidant. In a study of
500 middle aged men, Dr Riemersma of Edinburgh University found that those with
the lowest blood levels of vitamin E were two and a half times more likely to
develop angina than the men with the highest levels. As for the cider vinegar,
this is a well-tried remedy for gout.
6 tbsp cold-pressed sunflower oil
2 tbsp cider vinegar
1 dove garlic, crushed
1 tsp tarragon
Place the ingredients in a screw-topped jar and shake.
Yoghurt Dressing - Gives a tangy flavour.
1/4 pint (150m1) goat's milk (or soya) yoghurt
grated rind and juice of 1/4
1 tbsp spring onions, chopped
1/2 tsp clear honey
Whisk all the ingredients together.
Makes about 1/3 pint (190ml)
Pates and dips - These provide protein that is low in saturated fat.
Hummus - A mineral-rich recipe, valuable for the iron, potassium and calcium.
8 oz (250g) chickpeas, soaked overnight
4 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil
juice of 2 lemons and grated rind of 1
3 tbsp dark tahini
5 cloves garlic, crushed
dash of Tamari
Boil the chickpeas rapidly for 5 minutes in a large pan. Discard the water and
boil up again, cover and then simmer until soft (at least 1 hour). Put the other
ingredients into a food processor or blender and liquidize, adding the chickpeas
gradually and some of the cooking water as necessary to form a smooth paste.
Serves 6
Mushroom Pate - Mushrooms offer worthwhile amounts of niacin (vitamin B3) - good
for the digestion as well as hypertension - folic acid and potassium.
1 onion, finely chopped
2 doves garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
I lb (500g) mushrooms, chopped
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 tbsp peanut butter
juice of '/2 lemon
1/4 pmt (150m1) soya milk
Fry the onion and garlic in the oil until transparent. Add the mushrooms and
spices and continue to cook until done. Put in the blender with the other
ingredients and liquidize to a smooth paste, adjusting the soya milk as
necessary. Allow to cool.
Serves 4
Lentil Pate - Serve with wholemeal rolls, Ryvita or oatcakes to provide complete
usable protein. Lentils are a good source of iron and potassium.
8 oz (250g) brown lentils
1and a 1/2 pints (845m1) filtered water
1 onion, chopped
1 tsp sage
8'oz (250g) cooking apples, chopped
1 oz (30g) ghee
1 dsp dark tahini
To garnish:
sprigs of parsley
Check through the lentils for any small pieces of grit. Wash, then put them in a
large pan with the water and simmer (partly covered) until soft.
Meanwhile, cook the onion and sage in the ghee for about 3 minutes in a large
frying pan. Add the apples and continue to cook, stirring, until they fall to a
pulp. Combine
this with the lentils and stir in the tahini.
Pile into a pate dish and chill. Decorate with parsley sprigs.
Serves 4 to 6
Fish Terrine - Excellent for the blood vessels
12 oz (350g) kale
1 ib (500g) cooked salmon
grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
8 oz (250g) low-fat cottage cheese
Select a few large leaves of the kale and steam briefly. Shred the other
Oil a 2lb (1kg) loaf tin and line it with the steamed kale, leaving some for
the top.
Remove the skin and bones from the fish and blend the flesh in the food
processor with the lemon and cottage cheese. Add the shredded kale. Spoon the
mixture into the lined tin, making a top with the spare leaves. Refrigerate for
an hour before turning out.
Serves 6
The complementary dairy - Soya milk is now readily available in many supermarkets as well as health food shops, and is a very useful low-fat substitute for cow's milk. However, it does contain less calcium, so it is best to purchase the enriched variety.
Soya Yoghurt - This can be produced quite easily at home, especially if you have
an electric maker that will remain at the correct temperature overnight.
Otherwise you can use a large Thermos flask. The most beneficial yoghurt
contains the live culture Lactobacillus acidophilus or L. bulgaricus.
1 pint (570m1) soya milk
1'/2 tbsp starter culture (or 2 tbsp bio-yoghurt)
Boil up the soya milk, stirring, then take off the heat and allow to cool to
hand-warm. Add a little of the milk to the culture and dissolve. Stir this back
into the pan. Pour into the containers and fit into the yoghurt maker, or fill a
Thermos flask. Leave at this same hand-warm temperature overnight.
Nut Milk - For anyone allergic to cow's milk, this is a tasty alternative. Nuts,
seeds and cereals can be varied, try cashew nuts and sesame seeds.
3 oz (90g) ground hazelnuts
3 oz (90g) fine oatmeal
3/4 pint (425ml) spring water
Liquidize in a blender and leave for I hour. Strain through a sieve and retain
the pulp for use in baring.
Makes about 1 pint (570m1)
Soya Cream - Really delicious and without any cholesterol.
6 oz (180g) firm tofu
l tbsp cold-pressed sunflower oil
1/4 pint (150m1) soya milk
2 tbsp apple juice
I tbsp vanilla essence
Put the ingredients in the blender and liquidize until smooth. Adjust the
consistency as required.
Makes about 2/3 pint (380ml)
Soya Cheese - Here is a tasty alternative to normal cheeses without the saturated
2 oz (60g) soya flour
2 oz (60g) ground cashew nuts
4 oz (125g) non-hydrogenated margarine
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp low-salt yeast extract
2 tsp fresh mixed herbs, chopped finely
Mix together the soya flour and ground nuts in a bowl. Gently melt the margarine
in a saucepan, then stir in the garlic and yeast extract. Add the flour and nuts
and continue to stir until well blended and thickened. Take off the heat and mix
the herbs in.
Put into a small greased mould and chill to set. Turn out when required.
Makes 1/2 lb (250g)
Baking -
Allergic individuals will discover that it is very difficult to purchase breads
that do not contain any wheat. Rice or millet flours are always nutritious
People with a sweet tooth will be surprised how tempting sugar-free goodies
can be, as the ideas offered here will prove. Apple juice and dried fruits make
excellent sweeteners. Since baking powder destroys B vitamins, these recipes do
not contain any baking powder.
Corn Bread - Pale yellow, with a pleasant taste. 1 tsp dear honey
1 oz (30g) fresh yeast
1 pint (570m1) warm water
1 lb (500g) rice flour
8 oz (250g) cornmeal
2 oz (60g) caraway seeds
1 tsp Biosalt
1 tbsp sunflower oil
Dissolve the honey and the yeast in the.warm water. Put three-quarters of the
rice flour into a mixing bowl, add the yeast liquid and beat to a smooth batter.
Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour.
Mix the remainder of the rice flour with the cornmeal, seeds and Biosalt. Stir
in to the risen batter with the oil, then knead for several minutes.
Divide the dough into two and place each into an oiled 1lb (500g) loaf tin.
Cover again and leave in a warm place until doubled in size (another hour).
Bake in a preheated oven at 425°F/220°C (gas mark 7) for 35 minutes, then a
further 10 minutes out of the tins. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
Makes two 1lb (500g) loaves.
Pumpernickel - This classic German bread is free of both wheat and yeast, and is
dense in texture. The molasses provides a substantial amount of iron as well as
calcium, of particular benefit to vegetarians.
1 and a 1/2 lb (750g) rye flour
8 oz (250g) fine oatmeal
1 tsp Biosalt
4 tbsp black molasses
1 and a 1/4 pints (725m1) hot water
Sift the flours with the salt in a large mixing bowl. Melt the molasses in 1
pint (570m1) of the hot water and stir in to the flours, adding extra water if
necessary, to form a soft dough.
Divide the mixture into two and put each half into an oiled 6inch (15cm)
pudding basin. Tie a round of greaseproof paper over each, putting in a pleat to
allow for expansion. Place each basin in a pan of hot water, cover, then steam
over a low heat for around 4 hours, topping up the water occasionally.
When done, turn out on to a wire rack to cool. Serve thinly sliced.
Makes two 2lb (1-kg) loaves.
Date Squares - Surprisingly sweet, but sugar-free
8 oz (250g) dates, chopped
1/4 pint (150m1) apple juice
4 oz (125g) non-hydrogenated margarine
4 oz (125g) ground hazelnuts
2 tbsp clear
4 oz (125g) rice flour
6 oz (180g) millet flakes
Put the dates and apple juice in a small pan and gently stir over a low heat
until soft.
Melt the margarine and work this into the remaining ingredients to form a
crumbly mixture.
Grease a 7inch (18cm) square baking tin and press half the crumble into the
bottom. Spread the date mixture over this and cover with the remaining crumble.
Press down.
Bake for about 35 minutes at 350°F/180°C (gas mark 4). Allow to cool then cut
into squares.
Makes about 16
Special Fruit Cake - This contains no sugar, eggs or wheat, but is scrumptious
nonetheless. Soya flour and arrowroot combined with water have the same binding
power as eggs and are equally nutritious.
4 fl oz (100ml) sunflower oil
4 fl oz (100m1) dear honey
2 oz (60g) soya flour
1 oz (30g) arrowroot
1/2 pint (275ml) water
1 tbsp sherry
grated rind and juice of 1 orange
grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
2 oz (60g)
flaked almonds
2 oz (60g) apricots, chopped
2 oz (60g) dried figs, chopped
4 oz (125g) dates, chopped
2 tsp mixed spice
10 oz (310g) brown rice flour
1'/2 lb (750g) mixed sultanas, currants and raisins.
Cream together the oil and
honey in a large bowl. Mix the soya flour and arrowroot with the water and beat
into the oil and honey, adding the sherry and rind and juice of the orange and
lemon. Stir in the almonds, apricots, figs and dates.
Sift the spice into the flour and gradually stir into the soya mixture along
with the rest of the dried fruits. Spoon into a lined 8inch (20cm) cake tin
and cover the top with grease-proof paper, making a couple of slits to let out the steam.
Bake at 300°F/150°C (gas mark 2) for 3'/4 hours. Cool a while before turning out
on to a wire rack.
Makes one 8inch (20cm) round cake.
Vegetables - Light steaming or quick stir-frying will ensure maximum retention of goodness. Remember that vegetables should form the main part of your dinner and that eating them every day is an important aspect of your healthy food programme. There is no need to add salt as most already contain sodium :
Roast Garlic - The flavour softens with the cooking and is wonderful squeezed onto
warm wholemeal bread or vegetable sticks. An excellent antidote to heart disease.
2 large whole garlic bulbs
2 tbsp olive oil
Remove the papery covering at the tier of each bulb and place upright on a
baking dish. Drip the oil over the bulbs and cook in the oven at 350°F/180°C
(gas mark 4) for 1/2 hour, basting occasionally.
Serves 2
Baked Stuffed Onions - When baked in the oven, onions retain all their
juicy goodness. Excellent for the cardiovascular system.
4 large onions
3 tbsp olive oil
4 oz (125g) mushrooms, chopped small
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp marjoram
4 oz (125g) ground hazelnuts
1 oz (30g) wheatgerm
dash of Tamari
Without peeling, put the onions in an ovenproof dish, and cover with greaseproof
paper and bake at,350°F/184°C (gas mark 4) until soft (about 1 hour 40 minutes).
Meanwhile, pour the oil into a frying pan and saute the mushrooms with the
herbs. Set aside.
Remove the onions from the oven, cut off their tops and take off their skins.
Scoop out the centres, chop these and add to the mushrooms along with the other
ingredients. Mix well. Stuff the mixture into the onions, replace their tops and
return to the oven for 30 minutes.
These are a meal in themselves, Serve with a tomato sauce and crisp salad.
Serves 4
Gingery Greens - Dark-green vegetables offer many benefits: they contain folic
add, a must for pregnant women since it guards against abnormalities in the foetus; they are also high in potassium, which protects against hypertension and is important for the nervous system and the muscles, they supply cancer-fighting carotenoids; moreover they contribute fibrous bulk, ideal for slimmers, and very healthy for the colon. Brazil nuts are rich in that cancer fighting trace element selenium.
8 oz (250g) spring greens
8 oz (250g) purple-sprouting broccoli
8 oz (250g) spinach
filtered water for steaming
1 tbsp dark sesame oil or olive oil
1 tbsp grated fresh root ginger
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp cornflour
1 tbsp Tamari
3 or 4 spring onions, sliced finely
2 oz (60g) brazil nuts, chopped
1 oz (30g)
pine nuts
Wash and trim the vegetables, then shred finely. Steam for about 3 minutes and
reserve the juice.
Heat the oil in a large pan, add the ginger and garlic and cook for 1 minute.
Add the vegetables and stir-fry quickly for a further minute.
Using a small bowl, mix together the cornflour with the Tamari and 4 tbsp of
the vegetable water. Pour this into the greens and bring to the boil, stirring
all the time. Cover the pan and simmer over a low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 4 minutes until
just done.. The vegetables should
retain their colour and still be a little crisp. Toss the spring onions and
nuts into the vegetables.
Serves 4
Cauliflower Curry - Spices contain many minerals, including calcium, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, and most offer vitamins A, B3 and
a little vitamin C. Hot peppers have been a cure for respiratory problems in Chinese
traditional medicine for centuries and modern research now bears out their
curative powers. Dr Irwin Ziment of the University of California in Las Angeles
has noticed that Hispanic populations who eat fiery foods regularly are less
likely to develop bronchitis and emphysema. He links this therapeutic effect
with the capsaicin contained in the peppers.
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp mustard powder
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp chilli powder
3 tbsp vegetable stock
florets of 1 medium cauliflower
I tsp garam masala
Fry the onion and garlic in the oil, using a large pan, until transparent. Stir
in the turmeric, mustard, ginger and chilli
powders and cook for 1 minute. Then include the cauliflower and vegetable
stock. Cover and simmer gently until
nearly done. Sprinkle in the garam masala, stir and continue to simmer for
another couple of minutes. Serve with Dhal and brown rice.
Serves 4
Main courses - These need to provide you with good-quality protein in addition to vitamins and minerals, plus, remember that if you're choosing plant proteins, you need to combine at least two types in the same .meal, for example beans with rice.
Dhal - According to recent research by Dr Ann Kennedy at Harvard University in the
USA, legumes contain 'protease inhibitors' that seem to block the activities of
certain enzymes that encourage the growth of cancer, especially of the colon,
liver and lung. They also consist of complex carbohydrates that help to steady
blood sugar.
12 oz (375g) red lentils
1 and 1/4 pints (720m1) filtered water
1 and a 1/2 onions, sliced
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1 oz (30g) ghee
1 small red chilli, finely chopped
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 inch (2.5cm) root ginger, grated
2 tomatoes, skinned and chopped
To garnish:
fresh coriander leaves
Remove any grit from the lentils and put them in a large pan with the water,
half the onions and the turmeric. Bring to the boil, then simmer until done
(about 20 minutes).
Using a small frying pan, saute the remaining onion in the ghee until
transparent. Meanwhile mix the spices to a paste, then add these to the onion
and fry for 2, minutes, stirring. Put this mixture into the large pan with the
lentils and include the tomatoes. Stir and simmer for a further 5 minutes.
Serve with brown rice It is excellent with the Cauliflower Curry.
Serves 4
Millet Rissoles with Peanut Sauce - Whole grains are extremely versatile and can
be eaten at any meal in different forms: in breakfast cereal, baking or as a
main course, as here. They are important for their B vitamins as well as
dietary fibre. An egg is not necessary to bind the mixture; arrowroot and soya
flour mixed to a paste with water are equally efficient.
To ensure protein complementarity, include peas or beans in the meal.
8 oz (250g) millet
1 and a 1/4 pints (725m1) filtered water
1/2 tsp each of basil, oregano, sage and ground bay leaf
1 small onion, finely chopped
1/2 red pepper, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic,
2 tbsp olive oil
1 dessert spoon arrowroot
1 dessert spoon soya flour
2 tbsp sugar-free peanut butter
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
oatmeal to coat
For the sauce:
1 oz (30g) non-hydrogenated. margarine
1 and a 1/2 tbsp barley flour (or brown rice
1/2 pint (275m1) warmed soya milk
1and a 1/2 tbsp sugar-free peanut butter
dash of Tabasco sauce
Using a large pan, bring the millet to the boil in the water tether with the
herbs. Lower the heat and simmer until done, stirring to prevent sticking, and
adjusting water if necessary.
Fry the onion, pepper and garlic in 1 tbsp of oil until soft. Mix the
arrowroot and soya flour to a .paste with a little water, then stir into the
millet with all the other ingredients except the oatmeal. Allow to cool.
Form into rissoles and roll in the oatmeal. Fry gently in the remaining oil
until golden.
To make the sauce: Melt the margarine in a small pan, sprinkle in the flour and
cook for 3 minutes, stirring. Add the soya milk a little at a time, bringing to
the boil. Simmer and stir for a further 3 minutes. Mix in the peanut butter and
Pour the sauce over the rissoles and serve hot.
Makes 9
Quorn stir-fry - if you can obtain it, Quorn is a very worthwhile protein-rich
vegetarian substitute for meat. It is also high in fibre and low in fat. Ask
your local supermarket or health food store to stock it. Alternatively the
recipe works just as well with a block of tofu cut into chunks.
8 oz (250g) Quorn chunks
3 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 doves garlic, crushed
1 inch (2.5cm) root ginger, grated
2 courgettes, diced
1 green pepper, sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
4 oz (125g) mushrooms, sliced
8 oz (250g) beansprouts
1 tbsp polenta (maize meal)
5 tbsp filtered water
Marinate the Quorn in the soya sauce for 20 minutes. Meanwhile heat the oil in a
large frying pan or wok and fry the onion, garlic and ginger for 3 minutes. Add
the Quorn, courgettes and peppers and stir-fry for a further 3 minutes, then
include the mushrooms and beansprouts and continue to cook until just done.
Mix the polenta with the water until it forms a smooth paste. Pour into the
vegetables and stir until the juices form a thickened sauce.
Serve with a boiled grain, such as couscous or quinoa (but be careful to pick
out any small stones first if you use this).
Serves 4
Three Beans Feast - Beans are remarkable at regulating blood levels of insulin
and blood sugar and are therefore particularly recommended for diabetics. The
double boiling should avoid any problems with flatulence, but just to make sure,
chew a few caraway seeds before your meal.
4 oz (125g) haricot beans, soaked overnight
4 oz (125g) red kidney beans, soaked overnight
8 oz (250g) French beans
4 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 onion, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 and a 1/2 lb (750g) tomatoes, skinned and chopped
2 tbsp chopped parsley
2 tsp basil
l tsp paprika
Boil up the soaked beans fast for 10 minutes in a large pan, drain off, replace
water and bring to the boil again. Simmer until soft (about 3/4 hour) and drain
when done. Meanwhile cut the French beans into 2 inch (5cm) sections and steam
them for 3 minutes.
In a large pan saute the garlic and onion until transparent. Stir in the
tomatoes, parsley, basil and paprika and cook for 5 minutes. Add all the beans
to the pan and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Serve with brown rice, couscous or quinoa.
Serves 4 to 6
Nut Roast - Ingredients are the same as for Nut Sausages' above.
Mix them together, press into an oiled 1lb (500g) loaf tin, cover the top with
grease-proof paper, and bake at 350°F/ 180°C (gas mark 4) for about 1/4 hour.
Serve with a Marmite gravy, jacket potato and lightly steamed broccoli.
Serves 3
Tofu Bake - A very nourishing high-protein dish that is low in fat.
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp olive oil
3 courgettes, chopped small
1 lb (500g) firm tofu, crumbled
4 oz (125g) oatmeal
3 tomatoes, chopped
3 tbsp soya sauce
3 tbsp tomato puree
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tbsp chopped fresh basil
2 tsp rosemary
Saute the onion and garlic in the oil using a large pan until transparent. Add
the courgettes and cook for a further 5 minutes. Stir in the remaining
ingredients and mix well. Grease a 2lb (1kg) loaf tin and press the mixture
into it. Cover with grease-proof paper and bake for 1 hour at 350°F/180°C (gas
mark 4).
Goes well with a tomato sauce, jacket potatoes and a lightly steamed green
Serves 4 to 6
Oregano Mackerel - This is one of the best fish's of all for the heart, containing more of
that magic ingredient omega-3 than most others.
2 mackerel fillets
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp dried oregano
Rub the lemon juice into both sides of the fish and sprinkle the oregano over
each fillet. Cook under a medium grill for about 8 minutes.
Excellent with brown rice and a side salad.
Serves 2
Desserts - The simplest and healthiest conclusion to your dinner is a piece of fresh fruit. However, there will be times when you want to present something more interesting, such as the recipes suggested here. Old favourites such as rice pudding can be made more nourishing by using brown rice and sweetening with honey. It is best to avoid sickly concoctions including pastries even though they may look tempting.
Kiwi Delight - Kiwi fruits contain more vitamin C than oranges. As for agar
flakes, these are derived from seaweed and therefore offer many useful minerals,
including iron.
3 tbsp agar flakes
1 pint (570m1) orange juice
2 kiwi fruits, peeled and sliced
8 black grapes, halved
In a small pan dissolve the agar flakes in 1/4 pint (150m1) of the orange juice
by bringing it to the boil, while stirring. Reduce heat and simmer for 5
minutes, continuing to stir. Remove from the stove, add the remaining orange
juice and mix well.
Place the slices of kiwi fruit into four small glass dishes.. Pour the juice
over them and allow to set into jellies in the refrigerator. Garnish with the
grape halves.
Delicious with Soya Cream.
Serves 4
Peach Crumble - Peaches supply a wide range of nutrients including iron, potassium
and sulphur (needed for lustrous hair), plus vitamin A and pantothenic acid,
both of which are important for immune function. Cinnamon helps to boost the
performance of insulin, according to Dr Richard Anderson, biochemist at the US
Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Centre in Maryland, so
should be of benefit to diabetics.
6 oz (180g) dried peaches, soaked overnight
2 pears, sliced
2 oz (60g) non-hydrogenated margarine
12 oz (375g) medium oatmeal
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp clear honey
3 oz (90g) chopped walnuts
2 oz (60g) sesame seeds
1 tsp cinnamon
Simmer the peaches in 1/2 pint (275ml) of the soaking water until soft. Put the
pear slices in a greased ovenproof dish and add the peaches, with just enough
juice to cover.
Rub the margarine into the oatmeal, then mix in the oil, honey, nuts and seeds.
Sprinkle over the fruit. Dust the top with cinnamon.
Bake at 350°F/180°C (gas mark 4) for 25 minutes.
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