What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is a complete and holistic system of medicine that considers the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the individual. It addresses the whole person, not just the disease, and can have a remarkably effective approach to restoring health and vitality.

Within this context, homeopathy has the ability to tackle most modern-day acute (short-term) and chronic complaints.
Acute complaints include colds, coughs, earaches, sore throats, injuries, fevers and many more. Chronic complaints require a more detailed case analysis of the patient's mental, emotional and physical symptoms. Common chronic complaints that homeopaths frequently and successfully work with include the symptoms associated with arthritis, asthma, skin conditions, digestive problems, emotional problems, depression, migraine, menstrual imbalances and many more.

Though the range of diseases managed are very wide, the experience of being supported homeopathically usually leaves the patient feeling better in themselves and able to make beneficial changes in their lives as a result of improved health.
History of homeopathy - Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor, pioneered this new system of medicine in the 18th century, after turning away from the crude methods of his orthodox counterparts. He was looking for a way to reduce the damaging side effects associated with the medical treatment of his day, which included the use of poisons.
The word homeopathy comes from the Greek 'homo' meaning similar and 'pathos' meaning suffering. The main principle of homeopathy - 'like cures like' (similia similibus curentur) - states that any substance causing symptoms to appear in a healthy person can tackle the same symptoms in a sick person.

For example, drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness, so according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine, it could be used to treat people suffering from sleepless nights and the agitation that can sometimes accompany it.
The principle of treating "like with like" dates back to Hippocrates (460-377BC) who was considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.
The homeopathic approach uses substances that have been diluted and succussed (potentised). These remedies stimulate the body to heal itself and return to a state of healthy balance.
My name is Ann Grain (SDS Hom; R.Hom. Int) and I am a qualified homeopath and practise in Horsham, West Sussex.
For chronic, long-standing conditions, I offer face-to-face and online appointments - home visits are also available if required.
Should you require a telephone consultation about an acute (short-term complaint) - for example for coughs, sore throats, stomach upsets and any other short-term complaint - just call for help and advice.
For more information, just go to my website Homeopathy in Horsham or call me on 07861 376 844.